
Radio Astronomy Gains and Visibility Inspector [ragavi]

Ragavi is a python based software built for visualisation of radio astronomy data reduction by-products such as gains as well as visibility data. As the name implies, it comprises two aspects, a gain plotter aliased by ragavi-gains or ragavi, which may be used as a command line tool and within a notebook environment (Jupyter), and a visibility plotter aliased by ragavi-vis, which is only available as a command line tool.


The main motivation for ragavi is introduced an in interactivity aspect to radio astronomy oriented plots traditionally be produced as static images in formats such as PNG, JPEG and SVG. This is achieved though a python package known as Bokeh which has the capability of producing stand alone HTML based interactive plots which are JavaScript oriented.

The output interactive plots enable actions such as

  • Panning: moving through a plot “frame by frame”
  • Zooming: focusing on a smaller or larger area
  • Scaling: increasing plot dimension depending on available window size
  • Selection:

among others, without requiring any redraw actions or special software to view plots. All that is required to view a plot produced by ragavi is a web-browser.


Ragavi is still under development.

Main dependencies for this project