Installation & usage


Ragavi is available on PYPI and can be installed via pip or from source.

To install via pip, type on your terminal

$ pip install ragavi

This is the recommended installation method and will install the latest release.

To install from source:

$ git clone
$ cd ragavi
$ pip install .

To check whether installation was successful

$ ragavi-gains -h
$ ragavi-vis -h

This will bring up a help menu for ragavi-gains and ragavi-vis respectively.


For the gains plotter, the name-space ragavi-vis is used. To get help for this


ragavi namespace will soon change to ragavi-vis

$ ragavi-gains -h

To use ragavi gain plotter

$ ragavi-gains -t /path/to/your/table -g table_type (K / B/ F/ G/ D)

Multiple tables can be plotted on the same document simply by adding them in a space separated list to the -t / --table switch. They must however be accompanied by their respective gain table type in the -g switch. e.g

$ ragavi-gains -t delay/table/1/ bandpass/table/2 flux/table/3 -g K B F

For the visibility plotter, the name-space ragavi-vis is used. Help can be obtained by running

$ ragavi-vis -h

To run ragavi-vis, the arguments --table, --xaxis and --yaxis are basic requirements e.g.